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Our products

  • Todos
  • One Vision Inspection System
  • Turnkey projects and customised machinery
  • Chilling and Freezing Tunnels
  • End of Lines and Conveyor Belts
  • Dumper and Tipper container solutions
  • Storage Trolleys and Accessories
Inspeccion de Latas

Can Inspection

One Vision Inspection System

Inspección producto envasado

Packaged product inspection

One Vision Inspection System

Inspeccion a Granel

Bulk Inspection

One Vision Inspection System

Inspeccion a medida

Tailored inspection

One Vision Inspection System

Fabricantes de maquinaria industrial - Proyectos llave en mano

Your Turnkey project

Turnkey projects and customised machinery

Limpiador de cuchillas

Automated food blade cleaning system

Turnkey projects and customised machinery

Sistema Desplumado Avícola

Poultry plucking system

Turnkey projects and customised machinery

Entubadoras de tripas

Twin-head casing machines

Turnkey projects and customised machinery

Embutidora jamón

Ham stuffing machines

Turnkey projects and customised machinery

Túnel de Refrigeración

Chilling and freezing tunnels

Chilling and Freezing Tunnels

Cintas de transporte

Customized conveyor belt

End of Lines and Conveyor Belts

Final de línea de trabajos

End of production line

End of Lines and Conveyor Belts

Volcador en Línea

Tipper container in-line

Dumper and Tipper container solutions

Volcador Cuter 300L escenario

Mobile and Fixed Dumpers

Dumper and Tipper container solutions

Elevador 2000kg

Scissors lifts

Dumper and Tipper container solutions

Carros Almacenaje

Machinery tool storage trolleys

Storage Trolleys and Accessories

Mesa y plataforma

Workbenches and platforms Operators

Storage Trolleys and Accessories

Mesas de pesaje en U

Customized weighing platform

Storage Trolleys and Accessories